Tuesday, August 14, 2012

America's Treasures...National Parks

Denali National Park, Alaska
In college I did a large project for my Public Policy class on the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service (NPS). Before that I had taken part in a family vacation that took us in a van from New York to California and back in 5 weeks. I wasn't that excited about spending 5 weeks in a van with my parents and five younger siblings but it ended up being one of the pivotal experiences of my life. My parents aren't big on shopping malls or theme parks but rather on historical sites and national parks. I was raised with this appreciation for the natural wonders of our country and that has continued through my adult life.

Cape Cod National Seashore

This summer I purchased my very first National Park Pass. For a feel of $80, this one year pass entitles you to entrance to all National Parks, National Monuments, National Forests, etc. Recently we were on a family vacation in Cape Cod, Massachusetts and happened upon the Cape Cod National Seashore. I was pumped to show off my pass for my family and get us in for free. Cape Cod is beautiful. I have spent many summer vacations here and it has always been one of my favorite places but I had never been to the National Seashore. We spent about an hour walking through the sandy trails that weaved though these gorgeous sand dunes. My 9 year old nephew said, "Aunt Melis, this looks like Africa." It felt like we were in an exotic place.

African Burial Ground New York, New York
That is the beauty of our National Park system, they take you places. When you're standing on top of a mountain range in Alaska and overlooking the river valley you literally feel on top of the world. When you are deep in a forest in Olympic National Park with trees towering over you and ferns lining the forest floor you feel like you're in a child's imagination. In the middle of Yosemite valley looking up at the faces of rocks on both sides of you, you feel small and insignificant. Not a bad ego check. Even walking through the middle of Manhattan and you stumble upon the African Burial Grounds. By comparison, a small part of the NPS but no less inspiring.

Next time you're planning a family vacation or a vacation for yourself, consider visiting our National Parks and Monuments. Be careful, you just might get addicted.

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