Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trees Do Grow in Brooklyn

Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Even though Betty Smith's novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, isn't really about nature in the borough, it inspired that idea for a recent weekend in NYC. When I first moved to Brooklyn I remember being overwhelmed by all of the things that I wanted to see and do here. I had wild ambitions of seeing it all but life gets in the way and I ended up spending most of my time in my neighborhood. People would ask me, "Have you ever been to..." and I would reluctantly say it is on my list but I haven't made it there yet. Last weekend my brother and Ashley, my co-blogger, came for a weekend. We decided to make Brooklyn the focus of our weekend.

We started with a walk around Prospect Park where we took in the landscape while kids rode circles around us on their scooters. It was a Friday night in the park and one of the first Celebrate Brooklyn performances of the summer which brings people with blankets, food and wine to the bandshell. Central Park gets most of the NYC glory but Prospect Park is no slouch. The contrast of Central Park and the surrounding skyscrapers is undeniable but if you want to really feel an escape from the city, you can get lost in the winding paths of Prospect Park.

Visible Storage at Brooklyn Museum
The two other tourist highlights to the neighborhood are the Brooklyn Museum and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. You can buy an Art & Garden combo ticket for admission to both that will save you a few bucks. I love going to Met and the Guggenheim but I am always frustrated with the crowds, that is rarely an issue at the Brooklyn Museum. While an artist will give you a much better review of the quality of pieces at the museum, as a casual art museum goer, my favorite part of this museum is the visible storage center. Pieces that are not currently on display are stored in clear cases and drawers where you can enjoy some of those pieces. Honestly, it's just cool to walk around in there. It feels like you snuck into the warehouse. It's your own Indiana Jones moment. After walking around the museum for a few hours it is refreshing to walk next door to the Botanic Garden. The cherry blossoms blooming are one of the most beautiful sites in the garden, but we missed that by about two months. There are still many other areas of the garden that are worthy. The rose garden has begun to bloom and the Japanese Garden is always a crowd pleaser with the turtles and fish. 

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
In keeping with our Brooklyn themed weekend we ate most of our meals in my neighborhood. What was Crown Heights when I moved in four years ago has somehow morphed into a neighborhood real estate agents are calling ProCro...a combination of two neighborhoods, Crown Heights and Prospect Heights. I refuse to jump on the trendy bandwagon and will continue to call it Crown Heights for the rest of my life. Washington Avenue was the home of our secret culinary gems. If you are looking for fancy restaurants with high end meals, this isn't the place for you but if you are looking for good eats, with good peeps, this is your spot! The ginger noodles with tofu is on of my favorites at Udom, a fantastic Thai restaurant. You can read the reviews of Tom's diner which is the heart of this neighborhood but if you want to avoid the long brunch lines on the weekend you can walk north a few blocks and stuff yourself silly with a breakfast burrito of enormous proportions at Taqueria De Los Muertos. Just when you think it couldn't get any better they offer up $4 mimosas! The neighborhood has a strong Caribbean population and the small vegetarian place, Natural Blend is one of the highlights. Stop in for  a few vegan cookies and a sea moss smoothie and you will leave feeling healthy and happy! 

When people think of New York City they picture Times Square and the Statue of Liberty and those are both icons of New York. Manhattan is an experience like few in the world. After a few days though, I encourage you to make the trek to magical places like Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn and The Bronx. Take your photo in front of the Manhattan skyline to show your friends and then come on over to Brooklyn to fugetaboutit! 

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